비행 예약

항공편 체크인

예약 세부 사항을 입력하십시오. 모든 국제선 승객은 출발 2 시간 전에 체크인 카운터에 탑승 서류를 제시하여 탑승 게이트에서 짐을 피하는 여행 서류 / 체크 수하물을 확인해야합니다.

*로 표시된 필드는 필수입니다.

추가 옵션 표시

호텔 예약

수하물, 좌석

icon-luggage 추가 수하물

icon-prefer 선호 좌석

icon-luggage 뜨거운 식사

icon-luggage 선물

icon-luggage 라운지

icon-luggage MAAS


비행 정보


뉴스 | 24.07.2024

To: Those who may concern,


Currently, Cambodia Angkor Air intends to sell 02 used ATR72-500s (manufactured in 2010) from September 2024 and sales & lease back 03 brand new ATR72-600s from May 2025.

If there would be of your interest, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following contacts for more details:

  • Mr Tran Van Phu - Chief Technical Officer - Email: tvphu@angkor-air.com
  • Ms Li Pin – Vice Chief Finance Officer – Email: lpin@angkor-air.com
  • Mr Ngo Hai Son – General Manager – Email: nhson@angkor-air.com

Address: 206A, Preah Norodom Blvd, Tonlebassac, Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Thank you very much.

Download file here.




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뉴스 | 29.09.2022
Cambodia Angkor Air proudly introduces our new China route between Phnom Penh - Nanning.

Cambodia Angkor Air proudly introduces our new China route between Phnom Penh - Nanning.

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뉴스 | 31.12.2022
Lunar New Year flight PVG-PNH

Phnom Penh: January 21st, 2023, flight K6 867 departs from Shanghai at 21:45 pm and lands in Phnom Penh at 1:20 am, which is the first day of the Lunar New Year. On this special occasion, all passengers experienced a memorable flight by enjoying hot meals and receiving souvenir gifts from Cambodia Angkor Air to celebrate new year’s eve time.

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뉴스 | 05.10.2023
K6 joined ITE – HCMC 2023

On September 7-9, 2023, Cambodia Angkor Air has successfully joined the 17th International Travel Expo at Saigon Exhibition & Convention Centre (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

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